Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Concerning Hobbits

When I was twelve, The Fellowship of the Rings was the much anticipated movie event of the year. Before I saw the movie, I wanted to read the books, so that I would be familiar with the story beforehand.

I didn't even get to the part where Frodo left the Shire, much to my shame. I had a very hard time getting into the book, and the writing was very, very dry. I eventually did see the Lord of the Rings movies, and was very impressed with them. I never tried picking the books back up.

That is, until a few weeks ago. My beloved is "forcing" me to read them, partly because of her love for them, and also partly because of the upcoming Hobbit movies. I've finished The Hobbit, and am already further in The Fellowship of the Ring than I ever made it in middle school. There's multiple reasons for this; more time, greater ambition, wrathful girlfriend, and more literary maturity are probably the big ones. I am thoroughly enjoying reading the books, even if in my mind Gandalf sounds like Ian McKellen, and all the dwarves sounded like Gimli did in the films (Frodo at this point is whinier than he was in the movies, so to me he doesn't sound like Elijah Wood).

I am actually a little glad I put off reading the books for so long. If I had read them when I was younger, I wouldn't have the same appreciation that I have no for the impact of the books. It's clear to see the influences that Tolkein's writing has had on modern fantasy literature, as well as gaming. It's really fascinating, reading a passage and my mind automatically connects to things I've seen or read that were clearly inspired by the words I just read.

I am looking forward to finishing the Lord of the Rings, and after that, other works by Tolkien. I'm also looking forward to seeing the Hobbit films, which for me (and my love) cannot come out soon enough.